A Good Steward

October is the month when we celebrate TEACHERS; and tomorrow, October 5, is International Teachers’ Day!  🙂  Let me share with you an essay written by Teacher Genesis, one of my teachers two years ago.  This was during her first year here in SSIS.

Tuesday is equal to stress day. I have English periods twice raised to the power of two (back to back double periods). That leaves me with two fifteen-minutes free time, one for break and one for lunch; and a twenty-minute proctoring. My mathematical equation since the start of the school year.

October 5, Tuesday. The moment I stepped off the tricycle, I was already briefing and preparing my mind and body (a well-practiced routine by now) to survive the day. I was in a subtle mood when Erick approached me half-way through the parking area and put something just below my right shoulder. I was surprised to see a ribbon that has the words, “My Teacher, My Hero” printed on it. I smiled and verbalized my gratitude. By the time I reached the faculty room, small drops of tears were threatening to escape.

The whole day was a blur, aside from the fact that it was the First Long Test. Flowers, chocolates, letters and cards, song and dance presentations were seen everywehere. It was a very special day for me and my fellow teachers. Personally, it was not the little somethings that made it that way.

It was that fateful day, in the middle of all the students’ efforts to show their appreciation for us, that God reminded me that what I am now, who I am now is not for myself, but for these children whom He had entrusted me. That special day reminded me that I am not only an employee, I am not only a teacher, I am not only a second parent but in front of God, who is our highest boss, I am a steward. Unlike in the parable of the talents, He did not entrust coins or treasure to me, but something far more precious: the lives of these children. The little children whom He welcomed with wide open arms even if His disciples were trying to bar their way from Him. The little children on which the gates of the kingdom of heaven will always be open.

Dear Lord, I humbly ask for guidance and strength, not for my benefit, but for the benefit of the little lives that you have entrusted me. I desire to be a good steward so that one day, when your kingdom comes, I will be honored by Your words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Amen.

– Teacher Gen

2 thoughts on “A Good Steward

  1. Blogs like yours touch the heart and the soul .It is a gentle and a deep reminder of one’s purpose in life. In the end, it is not the accolades, the credentials, the fortune. It is the people whose lives we have touched that matter.

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